"Dancing Tid-bits" Issue #118, Thursday, September 5 2002

Dancing Tid-bits
Foot Slip Chasse

What is a Foot Slip Chasse: As we stated earlier (Cha Cha Cha), the count 4&1 is the key element of Cha Cha Cha movement and can be done in many different shapes and forms but is essentially a chasse movement.

Technique and Foot Positions: Usually done by Man, do step 1 and 2 of Basic, i.e. LF forward check, and transfer weight back to RF and now ready to do the foot slip chasse. Place LF back on count 4, SLIP RF 2-3 inches back, count "&" and now close LF to RF slightly back or slightly forward (depends), count 1. You have done a foot slip chasse. Lady did a simple forward lock.

When to use a Foot Slip Chasse: The most common application for this type of Chasse is while doing an Open Hip Twist which of course is started in an open position, L to R hand hold.

Why use a Foot Slip Chasse? Good Question! Actually the logic of using different chasses in Cha Cha is to be able to adjust your partner relationship, specially the distance to each other. It becomes therefore more important to use these gimmicks in open positions with only a partial hold. The foot slip chasse gives a feeling that you have stopped the lady in her forward motion and now you are leading her to go outside position to your left, for a Fan.

Footwork and weight distribution: I do feel that as you step back on the LF, it is partial weight (90%), but the heel tends to go down and I consider this to be the "inside edge of the ball-flat" footwork as opposed to inside of the toe, given in the technique book. As you slip the RF, I feel this to be samba like slip with pressure into the inside edge of the ball rather than just flat. Closing of the LF to RF on 1 is simple Ball-flat. I hate to give a format description because I am sure there will be disagreements.

So much for now. Thanks for your patience. It is getting to be a rather hackneyed discussion but with the same token I feel different chasses in Cha Cha form the basis for this dance. Best Wishes, Max

This article is part of and should be seen in the frame context of Dancesport UK, Tid-bits